Beef Stew - Pressure Cooked
A hearty and savory stew adapted from the Beef and Vegetable Casserole recipe in ‘Pressure Cooking The Easy Way: Healthy One-Pot Meals...
Coq Au Vin
Coq au Vin sounds elegant, but this basically is a way to render a tough old rooster tender. Braised chicken, slow cooked in a pan in...
Honey Mustard Glaze Chicken
Not sure where I got this recipe, but it is easy and tasty. Ingredients: 6 chicken hind quarters, or 6 chicken legs plus 6 chicken...
Grecian Chicken
This recipe is from my well-thumbed paperback copy of the Whole Earth Cookbook published in 1972, a time when cooking with natural and...

Garlic Chicken Stew
Among my cookbooks is the 1978 'Joys of Jewish Cooking' by Stephen and Ethel Longstreet, which features recipes from Jewish kitchens...
Ratatouille (vegetable stew)
Adapted from the 1977 edition of the Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen. Takes about 40-50 min; makes 4 hearty servings. ingredients (in...