
Adapted from a recipe in the Moosewood cookbook (1977), this is a classic Middle Eastern salad. We had a version of this at a Lebanese restaurant on the shores of Lake Kinneret in Israel; it was mostly parsley with a bit of bulgar, but good.
6 servings
1 cup dry bulgar wheat
1 cup boiling water with 1 tsp chicken bouillon stock
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
1-3 tsp fresh chopped garlic (depending on taste)
¼ cup fresh lemon juice (juice of 1 medium lemon)
2-3 chopped green onions
1 cup (or more!) packed chopped fresh parsley leaves (classic recipe uses Italian or flat-leaf parsley, but curly leaf parsley will do)
1/4 cup packed chopped fresh mint leaves
1/2 cup of fresh cooked, or cooked frozen, corn kernels (optional, adds sweetness; if mint isn't available, add up to 1 cup of corn kernels)
black pepper to taste
Combine dry bulgar and boiling water with bouillon in a glass or pyrex container, let sit ~ 20 minutes until bulgar has absorbed the water
Add olive oil, lemon juice, and chopped garlic to bulgar, mix and let sit in fridge for 2-3 hours
Put bulgar into a large bowl, add chopped scallions, parsley and mint and or cooked corn, season with pepper, mix well
Refrigerate until serve
This salad is good with hummus or , surprisingly, sauerkraut on the side.
6 servings: 143 calories, 3 g protein, 9 g fat, 209 mg sodium (from bouillon), 4 g fiber, 1 g sugar