Eggplant, Tomato and Garlic Salad

We were served a salad like this during our stay in Israel; here is my version. This is a hit at pot-lucks.
1 large or 2 medium firm eggplants
4-5 small firm tomatoes (Italian tomatoes work well)
6-8 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced
light olive oil
(Note: I put the whole garlic cloves in a pan on a rack underneath the eggplant tray to cook a bit while the eggplant slices are broiling, this makes the garlic more mellow; then I slice the garlic cloves after they have cooked)
Preheat oven broiler to medium Hi
Peel and cut stem ends off eggplant, slice in about ½ inch rounds, cut large rounds in half (no need to salt and sit as some recipes suggest)
Arrange eggplant slices on cookie tray lightly greased with olive oil, drizzle more olive oil over the eggplant slices so they are dark in spots with the oil
Broil eggplant for about 20 minutes, turning slices once and drizzling more oil on the other side as needed
When eggplant slices are soft, easily pierced with a fork, take out of oven and let cool
Slice tomatoes crosswise in about 1/3 inch rounds, slice garlic cloves into slivers
Carefully transfer eggplant slices into a long or wide ceramic or plastic container
Add sliced tomatoes and sliced garlic to the eggplant
Cover container and let sit in the fridge for a couple of hours to let the flavors blend

Good for a week in the refrigerator.
4 servings: 217 calories, 3 g protein,18 g fat, 5 mg sodium, 7 g fiber, 6 g sugar