# 9
Fort Atkinson
Sept. 12th 1861
My dearest little wife,
I have just received the dear little letter you sent to me by 'Henry' and was so glad to hear from my darling pet lamb. I wrote you a long letter the other day and expect you have received it ere this. You must not think it strange or hard of me for not writing more often to you, for my chances of sending letters are 'like angels' visits, few and far between.' You know my darling little pet, that I will not forget to write to the idol of my heart's affection whenever I have and opportunity of sending her a letter. So darling don't get uneasy about your boy, when he does not write but blame it to the want of an opportunity of sending the letters. I am in much better spirits than I was in, when I wrote you my last about our company. We now muster sixty-nine men, and hope to have over one hundred in a few days. Recruits are coming in daily, and I have just heart that 'Dufores' company is about to disband and that 35 or 40 of his men are coming to join us. I hope though that will not be the case. However badly I might want men I should hate to get them from an unfortunate company that could not fill its ranks. You appear to be somewhat alarmed about us being taken 'prisoners' now little darling don't fear about that; we have fifty of as trusty rifles as ever were fired; and the strongest natural fortifications in the Confederate States; to shield us from the enemy. So you see we neither intend to abandon our post; nor do we expect to be taken prisoners; for just as sure as the sun rises and sets, if the Yankees land at this point the will get themselves into a fight. We made 900 cartridges on yesterday and expect to make five or 6000 more as fast as we can, we now have 2000 made and ready for use. If you feel disposed to come and risk the chances, I don't think you will run much of a risk in coming down in the way you speak of via Black Hammock. I don't think Styles would let you come by Brunswick; you see if the enemy should come I could send you over to Edmond Atkinson's in the boat. I would like for you to let me know by Capt. A. what time you will be down and I will if I can meet you at the Hammock and come over with you.
You must forgive me my darling pet for not writing any more as Charley M. is now awaiting for the letter. Goodbye my darling sweet wife don't you forget to write to your own precious boy as often as you can.
Give my best love to all the families and my heart soul and body to my own dear, dear, sweet precious little Loulie. Oh! what a sweet name. I expect I have written a half quire of foolscap paper full of it since I left home.