Knoxville, Ga.
July 15th, 1864
My dear Henry & Josie,
I have been thinking for several days past of writing a letter of congratulation and express the deep interest I feel for your future happiness. I may not know all the cares of my dear little wife, or the pangs of sorrow caused her by careless innuendos expressed by me; but Henry, all that I could wish 'Josie' to be to you, is just what 'Loulie' is to me. And dear 'Josie' I cannot say that I wish Henry to be to you what I am to 'Loulie,' for I am sure you would be but poorly repaid for the self-sacrifice that dear woman yields to man. But ask Loulie, she can tell you all of my faults and how to improve on them (at least I should say profit by them). My experience of married life seems like a sweet dream of happiness, but those hallowed days are over for a season, when you, as well as I must forget the loved ones at home and lend a hand in driving back the invader from our homes.
I was very sorry I could not be at the wedding but you know the cause - The courier is waiting so I must close. May Heaven's sweetest blessing be with you both is my sincere wish.
Yours affectionately
N.A. Brown
Note: The Battle of Atlanta started July 20, 1864, with Sherman's forces battling the Confederate Army under Gen. Hood