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No. 4: Feb 1861 ?, from Loulie

# 4

(Probably written in February 1861, as Nate and Loulie were married on March 12 1861)

(A few moments after leaving you)

I wonder what better employment I could have, while Henry is at the shop, than writing to my darling? Oh! how I wish you could have come here, anyhow with us. I wanted to see you alone before we parted so I could have made you less unhappy by telling you that the 12th would, if you prefer it, suit me just as well as the 19th. And, if I come back and find Mr. Williams at our home, there is no telling what I may do. When will he come? I suppose the latter part of this month.

I don't exactly know when H. thinks of returning. I hope not to remain more than two weeks at the farthest.

You had better find out what time 'brother W---' is at Long Bluff and happen there the same time and then I will -------. If mother and father feel like taking that long ride just to see us united, well then just let them happen along with you and of course we will be most happy to see them. I don't care if you do bring Mr. Hull, or whoever you see fit to, so they do not know anything about it. If those girls are out at the time you know, you can bring the young men down to see them, or to a candy pulling [1] the night before and the next morning while they are thinking of nothing we can step on the floor and surprise them all. We will then take dinner there, and all of us (if you will invite us) will spend the night at White Oak.

If sister Ginnie, and brother Tom feel like helping us pull candy why you will know how to get them there. But remember I will have nothing like a wedding. We will just marry so without any fuss whatever.

Good bye dearest, think lots, (but not enough to make you unhappy) of,

Your own little Loulie,

P.S. I wonder if you will like this note any better than the last! Will you darling?

Would that I could kiss you Good bye. You must take the will for the deed, and just imagine yourself possessed of the sweetest kiss that I could bestow on my 'darling precious boy.'

Your own true Loulie.

N.B. I wish I had time to write more.

[1] candy pulling - or taffy pulling, a party activity that involves pulling and stretching a ball of cooked sugar syrup until it is stiff to make taffy candy. I remember doing this as a child in Florida in the 1950's.

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