Dark Entry
July 26th 1862
My own darling wife,
I haven't received a letter from you in more than a week and don't know what has become of you and dear little Eula. So I suppose if nothing happens, and I can make my connections, I will spend next Sunday night (the 1st of Aug.) with my darling pets. However dear wife you must not look for me too hard for I have yet to get my furlough. And another thing, I may not get off on Saturday from Savannah in which case I would not get up to Marietta until Monday night. I will if I have time look in Savannah for a buggy for Eula but I have been told there are none in that place. Henry and I have just returned from St. Marys; you can tell Mrs. Cohen that there is nothing left in her house except three bedsteads, three bureaux, one wash stand, and one big pot. The rest of her furniture the Yankees have moved to Fernandina for safe keeping. And you can tell Miss Jessie all we found in hers was a composition composed by her when a school girl, and one hoop-skirt, the latter you can tell her Henry went into ecstasies over, brought it home, and says he will sleep with it every night to make him have pleasant dreams of her. We have just received an invitation to take tea at Col. Hallow's. I anticipate eating a good supper, but somehow it seems as if I can't enjoy myself any at all away from you. I have been having mopes for more than a week. And do think if I don't get a furlough I will get sick. You must excuse this short letter from me as I expect to get to Marietta at least as soon as it does. Give my love to all. You need not answer this as I will not get the letters. Kiss my Eula a thousand times for dear papa.
Goodbye dear wife, pleasant dreams to my own sweet love till we meet again.
Your devoted Nate.