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No. 35: July 10?, 1862, Marietta, Ga.

July 10th? Letter undated but from its contents I infer it to be before Louisa's letter of July 13th


Well darling, if I can't write but once a week I suppose I’ll have to write longer letters. My visit in Atlanta only cost $3, for me, Eula, and servant. One and a half there and one and a half back. At the hotell they charge $1 a meal instead of 50 cents but I was fortunate enough to have a friend's house to go to. She seemed very glad indeed to see us notwithstanding the hard times. You know she invited us there, when I passed through before, so I availed myself of the kind invitation, and begged her after the war and we were settled at our home once more, to come and make us a visit. She said she would be sure to do so. She is a very pretty, young looking widow, has six children, and a nice clever man, a cousin, and a widdower, is courting her I think. And I think they will marry one of these days; this Mr. Davis wife died last year at Mrs. Pope's house.

Yesterday Aunt Mollie sent round her carriage to carry Lillie and I round to her house to dinner, as our little Eula was not well. I left her at home for Mamie, her adopted mother to physic. The dear little darling is not at all well to day, has dysentery, but not badly. She is better than she has been, and the little angel laughs although she feels badly. I hope the medicine we are giving her will cure her before night. At Aunt Mollie's yesterday I felt quite at home; they had a long dinner table and all at it were from the low country, there was Capt. and Mrs. Atkinson, Anne and the rest of the children, Mrs. Gignilliat and Mrs. Capt. Brown from Camden, Lieut. Hull and Arebella Tison [1] from Glynn, Gurty Mumford [2] from Wayne and Mrs. Dean Dunwoody's family from McIntosh, so there were four low counties represented. Gertie just cams in before dinner, her vacation is nearly over. She'll return to Kingston on Saturday. Lieut. Newt came here the day before to buy pots to cook in, heard G. was coming, so made it convenient to forget to go to the cars in time. Aunt Mollie rode us by the Institute ………. and I. We enjoyed it much, twas the first ride I have had since I left home. Katie Shines is to marry Hattie Winn's brother the eleventh of this month. Not Joe Neely, a Mr. Winn. Helen Jones will marry the last of this month and live in Macon.



I am very much obliged indeed my darling for the money sent by Witter. He got here Saturday night and I told you before I met them at the depot in Atlanta. If Witter will go with me, I may pay my Aunts a visit next week. They live not far from Stone Mountain. Do darling write soon to Loulie.

[1] There is an Arabella Clay Tison (12/10/844 - 10/02/1903 in the Tison family cemetery in Waynesville, from Find a Grave

[2] Goertner Mumford (1848-1946) was a daughter of Sylvester and Theresa Mumford, born in Wayne County, and is likely the 'Gurty Mumford' in the letter. She is buried in Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington DC - Find a Grave

[3] There is a John M. Gignilliat (1778-1861) interred in the Waynesville Cemetery

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